Dates for 2025 have not been set and are dependent upon dorm details.
Estimated program costs (including dorm stay, meals, and tuition): $2,000 base price; $200 to add a minor event; $450 to add the extension sessions.
Check out our program information!
For program information about speech & congress categories please contact Prof. Eva Margarita.
Also take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions page: FAQs
Why do so many students choose UTNIF for the summer forensic education programs? Check out our staff listings or the extraordinary national record of our students to see why!

UTNIF 2024 will be live and in person! We look forward to having you with us in Austin and introducing you to one of the most gorgeous campuses in the country (we admit that we are biased).
We will continue to offer a curriculum that has fostered student success for over 30 years in service to the speech and debate community.
We continue to follow the news and CDC guidelines in reference to the ongoing COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. For guidance on University of Texas procedures related to the disease, please go to:
The UT National Institute in Forensics was established in 1994, though the University of Texas forensic programs have been operating summer programs and short courses for high school students since the University Interscholastic League was formed out of the Debating League of Texas High Schools in 1913.
One of the oldest student programs at the University of Texas, the forensic program was organized on October 5, 1883 as the Athenaeum Literary Society, which established as its ultimate goal the “training and developing of its members in forensics” through “the awakening of a vital interest in cultural and literary pursuits and the discussion and explanation of current problems.” By 1909, the program expanded to pursue national intercollegiate contests by joining the Delta Sigma Rho National Forensic Honorary Society. Archival records show a continuing involvement in collegiate and high school competitions since the 1920’s.
We are immensely proud of our faculty and student alumni of the UTNIF!