Communication Studies Graduate Community

CommSGC Mission Statement

The purpose of the Communication Studies Graduate Community (CommSGC) is to facilitate the well-being of graduate students in the Communication Studies Department and to foster relationships among the Department’s faculty and graduate students. CommSGC representatives are elected by the graduate student community and are asked to serve a one-year term. CommSGC will meet as a group throughout the school year to address graduate student concerns, plan Department events, pass along communication from faculty and staff, and serve as a voice among the larger graduate student community at the University of Texas. Every member of CommSGC is expected to uphold the duties of his or her position as described on the CommSGC website. If an elected official fails to fulfill his or her responsibilities, CommSGC will vote on having the representative replaced by another graduate student. CommSGC is here to enhance the graduate school experience within the Communication Studies community and should make decisions aligned with the spirit of this undertaking.

CommSGC Positions and Responsibilities | 2024 – 2025 Academic Year 


Chair (PhD Representative) | Ellen Alley
The CommSGC Chair’s role is to serve and support the graduate community and the elected representatives on this committee. The president is responsible for facilitating regular meetings, participating in events, responding to student concerns, and serving as a representative of graduate students to faculty and staff.  

Vice Chair (MA Representative) | Leonard Memon
The Vice Chair's role is to support the communication studies department through sustained engagement with policies and events that affect or support its members. They also assist the President in meeting the needs of the graduate community through communication and coordination of CommSGC events.  

Treasurer | Coming Soon!
The Treasurer oversees the acquiring of funds used by CommSGC for events and fairly distributing scholarship funds for professional development and conference travel each semester to graduate students.  

Secretary | Coming Soon!
The Secretary is responsible for keeping the minutes of meeting. They take detailed notes, update information/notes as needed, and share them with CommSGC members.  

Professional Development Committee
Coming Soon!

Advocacy Committee 
Coming Soon!

Event Planning & Outreach Committee
Coming Soon!

Fundraising Committee
Coming Soon!

GSA Representative
Coming Soon!

First-Year MA Rep 
Coming Soon!

First-Year PhD Rep
Coming Soon!

Upcoming Events