Financial Assistance

Graduate Student Funding

All admitted applicants for the Department of Communication Studies graduate program are considered for financial assistance, so no additional application materials are necessary.  Admitted students are notified by the department if they have been awarded financial assistance during the admissions process. Due to limited funds and the large number of students who are eligible for funding, competition for departmental funding is great. Students are encouraged to also seek assistance via the University with the Office of Student Financial Services.

We offer a limited number of funded positions in the form of teaching assistantships that include a competitive stipend, full tuition remission, and health insurance.


Funding refers to student employment as a Teaching Assistant (TA) or Assistant Instructor (AI). Admitted students are offered funding during the admissions process and the offers are based on the strength of their overall application. No separate funding application materials are needed.


Fellowships may be awarded to both incoming and currently enrolled graduate students.  Incoming students are awarded fellowships based on the strength of their admissions application.  Selection of continuing fellowship recipients is based on the student's performance since the student entered the Graduate School.

Fellowships are for students who are currently enrolled or have been enrolled previously in a graduate program at UT Austin. Selection of continuing fellowship recipients is quite unlike selection of recruitment candidates. Emphasis is placed on performance since the student entered the Graduate School, not on GRE scores or undergraduate GPA. The Graduate Coordinator will call for applications for Fellowships in December for the coming academic year.

Teaching Assistant/Assistant Instructor Hiring Policy

Course Appointment Policy