Strategic growth, advancement initiatives bring 3 new faculty appointments

Craig Scott, Ph.D.


Department Chair

There is something powerful about being able to discover new knowledge through research and to help students discover knowledge that they can use in their lives.

I study a range of issues related to organizational communication. For example, I study hidden organizations and problematic aspects of workplaces in the digital age--which led directly to a course I developed on the Dark Side of Organizations.

My interest in organizational communication, which is often an applied area of study, has also helped me think about how assignments and activities in class can be applicable for students in their personal and professional lives.

I was here from 1995-2006 as an assistant and associate professor before pursuing opportunities at Rutgers University. Coming back, Moody College is an even more dynamic place. I'm excited to be part of that and hopefully add to it.


Laura Brown, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Practice

Director, UTNY Program

I’m drawn to the interdisciplinary nature of Moody College and the UTNY Program. I like the idea of individuals working in and studying different disciplines coming together to live the core values of the college.

Because of my training as a social scientist, I prefer to rely on evidence-based teaching strategies. Diversity, inclusion and equity are topics I engage with in every class I teach, and my research focus on difficult conversations and communication strategies helps me facilitate robust discussions.

Some of my favorite things about teaching undergrads is their curiosity and their energy. My hope is that all of my students—former and future—know that I am here not only as their instructor, but also as someone who is always willing to listen and help them dream big.


Stacey Sowards, Ph.D.


For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a teacher because I always saw education as a path to life success. When I was in college, I had planned to be a high school math teacher. Because I was on my college debate team, my coach suggested I pursue a master’s degree in communication.

Since then, I have found that studying communication practices in the world have led to a deeper understanding of the racial, gendered, language and classed politics of marginalization and standing in various communities, states and nations in the world.

My field work over the past 25 years in Indonesia has significantly changed how I think about the world, and I try to incorporate that into my teaching. For many years, I led study abroad programs in Indonesia, introducing students to Indonesian languages, cultures and environments. I hope that I can share what I have learned and studied with my students, so that they can become engaged world citizens, lifelong learners and better critical thinkers.