Welcome from Department Chair

Dear Communication Studies students,


Welcome (back) to UT and to Communication Studies (CMS)! Like some of you, I’m new to UT (just joined the faculty as the new department chair Aug. 1). Like the rest of you, I’m also coming back to UT (was on faculty in CMS from 1995-2006). Whether you’re just arriving or returning for your final year, I suspect we can all agree that you’ve made a great choice to be part of this community.

Rather than talk about all the ways this semester is unique and different, I just want to remind you that you are still going to be taking classes from a world-class faculty that has thought carefully about how to effectively engage you regardless of delivery format. As communication studies students, it is also your responsibility to communicate with us about your needs and concerns—and I think when you do that you’ll find us very flexible and reasonable. I also want to remind you that you will still be making strong progress toward your degree—a degree the Princeton Review recently ranked as the second best college major based on jobs, salaries, and student popularity. And, you’ll still have access to all the advising and career services resources just like always.

We’re also going to try and launch a few new things for you as CMS majors/minors during the coming year. This will include student activities around Free Speech Week in October, the establishment of a new student professional organization geared specifically for CMS majors, and a spring event focused on showcasing student projects and linking you with program alums. I’m eager to hear from you about other ideas you may have as well.

So, I hope even amid some uncertainty that you are as excited about the upcoming year as I am. On behalf of the entire department, I hope you have a great semester and I look forward to eventually meeting some of you throughout the year!

- Craig

Letter from our new Department Chair