Registration Tips for Current CMS Majors
Rules & Restrictions for taking CMS Courses
No more than 9 hours of CMS coursework may be taken in one semester (Appeals to take more than 9 hours of CMS will be considered ONLY if it is the students' graduating semester)
All upper division courses require upper division standing (60 or more COMPLETED hours)
Prerequisites for Enrollment in CMS Courses
CMS courses have few prerequisites. The exceptions are:
- CMS 306M Professional Communication Skills is a prerequisite for
- CMS 312C Sales Presentations
- CMS 317M Advanced Presentation Skills
- CMS 313M Organizational Communication is a prerequisite for
- CMS 356M Comm and Human Resource Management
- CMS 361M Comm and Organizational Change
- CMS 372K Advanced Organizational Communication
Registering for CMS Classes
The majority of seats in Communication Studies courses are reserved for majors. There are some non-majors seats set aside, but they are limited.
"Restricted" means a CMS course is restricted FOR CMS majors. Normally, a course will become restricted AFTER all of the non-major spots have been filled and the remaining seats are now just for majors. Exceptions to this are CMS 370K Internship in Comm Studies and CMS 378K Research in Comm Studies - these courses require special permission to enroll (please see your assigned CMS advisor for permission).
If a course is full, sign up on the electronic waitlists, if available.
More information about waitlists:
Waitlists are turned off on the first class day. If you have not been added to a CMS course off of the waitlist by this day, then you won't be added. Every time you place yourself on an electronic waitlist, you must make sure of two things:
1. That you are not registered for another class at the same time as the waitlisted class - the system will not add you if the time conflicts.
2. That you are not registered for 15 hours and the addition of your waitlisted class will put you at 18 hours for the semester. The system will not add students to 18 hrs of classes unless they have been cleared by the Student Affairs Office (CMA 4.140, 471-1553) to do so. So, if you are currently registered for 15 hours for the fall, you should designate a "swap" class for your waitlisted course or you will continually get jumped over on the waitlists for the next student.
Students can maintain their waitlists online at any time. This includes periods outside of registration or a student's access periods - so if any of the above applies to you, you should make some time today to get in there and fix it:
Adding a CMS Class on the First Class Day
You should make plans to attend the first class meeting to speak to the instructor about adding
All add slips should be taken to the CMS advisor by the 12th class day so students may be officially added to the class
Only the course instructor has the power to add to an already-full class