Frequently Asked Questions

For information on UTNIF Debate Programs: Contact Prof. Brendon Bankey at 512-387-4288, or for quicker response email brendon.bankey@austin.utexas.edu

For information on UTNIF Speech Programs, Contact: Prof. Eva Margarita at 512-666-0146, or via email evamargarita@austin.utexas.edu

Where will students stay/dine during the institute?

Students will stay overnight and eat meals in the Castilian private dormitory adjacent to campus. Castilian suites are fully furnished and include a microwave and refrigerator. There is a common area for entertainment, laundry facilities, and a cafeteria located on the main floor. You can visit the Castilian website for photos of the location and a virtual tour of the suites.

When do students move in/move out of the workshop?

Student check in and move in occurs on the first day of the program from 12:30-2:30PM. Move out is on the last day of the program from 8AM-Noon CST. Example:

Program               Check In                                            Check Out

IE                        6/29 - 12:30-2:30PM CST            7/12 - 8AM-Noon CST

What is the daily schedule?

Our in-person learning schedule breaks each day into three general time blocks, with some variation and staggered times depending on the division: 

  • 8:00AM-9:00AM - Breakfast in the Castilian

  • 9:00AM-11:45AM - Morning Session - Program-wide lectures and/or meetings with assigned labs on campus. 

  • 12:00AM-1:00PM - Lunch in the Castilian

  • 1:00PM-5:00PM - Afternoon Sessions - Meetings with assigned labs on campus and/or research in the Perry-Castañeda Library

  • 5:00PM-6:30PM Dinner in the Castilian

  • 6:30PM-9:00PM Evening Session - Practice debates in the Castilian and/or meetings with assigned labs on campus. Speech students in the minor program continue on.

What should my student bring?

  • Large, durable, water bottle
  • Cell phone (students will receive notices through Remind app, laundry services in Castilian use a pre-paid app)
  • School dress code appropriate summer clothing (T-shirts, shorts, etc.). IE/Speech students should bring performance attire for the final showcase. Debaters do not require formal wear.
  • Bedding - extra long twin sheets, blanket, pillow, pillow cases
  • Laptop/tablet - Microsoft Word is preferred to Google Docs
  • Hydrating beverages (energy drinks are discouraged because they contribute to dehydration)
  • Favorite food/snacks (there is a mini-refrigerator, freezer, and microwave in every room)
  • Pocket money (there are opportunities to order food to dorms, buy apparel in book store, etc.)

Students can order food at night after night workshop through local restaurants with delivery service, Uber Eats/DoorDash/PostMates. 

Students flying to the workshop can use InstaCart to procure groceries. There is also a Target in walking distance. Dorm staff will organize trips to Target for students who wish to buy bedding/supplies upon arrival. 

Can the UTNIF transport students from the airport?

Unfortunately, we can not. Youth Protection Program protocols are very specific about student transportation and UTNIF staff are unable to transport students in private vehicles at any time barring a justifiable emergency. We recommend that students arriving via air travel use Super Shuttle, which is available in the baggage area of the airport, for transportation to the dormitory. The street address is 2323 San Antonio Street, Austin, TX 78705. At the end of the camp, our dorm staff will coordinate with small groups of students to help reserve returns to the airport where needed. Many students who travel extensively also arrange for transport via Uber or Lyft.

Will my child be able to independently walk around campus/explore Austin?

No. The Youth Protection Program requires that minors be supervised at all times. This is a University policy that all summer programs are required to abide. If your child participated in different University of Texas summer programming that allowed them to walk around without the supervision of a Designated Individual, then that summer program violated its Youth Protection Program mandate. 

We build opportunities to walk to stores/shops/restaurants and to explore campus into the programming. 

How will my child access their required medication during the camp?

Parents/students should provide all prescription drugs to UTNIF office staff when they arrive at registration. Prescriptions will be stored safely and discreetly throughout the duration of the workshop. UTNIF front-office staff will administer proper doses of medication during mealtimes.

What are the UTNIF's COVID-19 Health Policies?

The UTNIF will abide by the University of Texas at Austin's COVID health measures. Students are strongly encouraged to be fully vaccinated and boosted prior to attending the institute. Additional information regarding university policy is available here.

Can I check my child out during the workshop?

Yes. Parents and authorized guardians can check students out during the course of the workshop. It is required that all parents/authorized guardians physically go to the UTNIF office in the Castilian to provide valid identification. Authorized guardians can be declared at registration or via communication to our UTNIF office staff.

What will happen on the weekends?

We maintain a full schedule even on Saturdays and Sundays! Please do not plan to check students out while the camp is in progress except under extraordinary circumstances and recognizing that students may lose material & activities.

Can my child select their roommate/suitemates?

We will do our best to honor mutual roommate/suitemate requests. Students can make requests in the Ideal Logic platform. Students may only request roommates and suitemates of the same sex. State of Texas policy requires that minors be housed on separate, sex-specific floors. The State of Texas almost exclusively determines a student's sex based on their birth certificate.

What are the technology requirements for the debate programs at the UTNIF?

Contemporary evidence-based debate requires laptops for the organization of files and sharing evidence with opponents. Students should be expected to have access to a computer with steady connection to the internet. The computer needs to be able to download and view multiple word documents and allow multiple tabs of a web browser open for research.

How is the cafeteria food?

The food is commensurate to the average college dorm food experience. We work with the Castilian cafeteria to accommodate all relevant religious and health-based dietary restrictions. All dorm rooms are equipped with a mini-fridge, mini-freezer, and microwaves. Students are encouraged to bring non-perishable comfort food and store it in their dorm rooms. Also, please bring a portable water bottle and consider bringing additional hydrating beverages.



How do I register my child for the UTNIF?

UTNIF registration is available via the UT Ideal Logic portal. Registration

Once you have created a profile and added the student attending, under Catalog, select Programs and then Moody College of Communication, then Register Now for the program in which you wish to enroll.

Note that the UTNIF is designed for students entering and participating in high school level speech and debate programs. The minimum age of attendees is 13 years of age on arrival.