Student Spotlight Nina
Meet Nina Raich
Where are you from?
- "Austin, TX"
What grade are you in? What is your graduation year?
-"Freshman, graduating May 2027"
What is your major and why did you choose it?
-"I decided to study CMS: Political Communication mainly for its rhetorical basis combined with its practical applications. I have personal aspirations of pursuing my JD to practice law and eventually serve as a judge. Understanding the implications of legal rhetoric is one of my areas of interests, I hope to one day publish work in the field to make law more comprehensible for the average American."
What's your favorite Moody class you have taken?
-"So far, I have been fortunate to take my first class in my honors curriculum, Life of The Mind with Dr. Junker. Moody Honors is an incredible program and quickly became the home of my favorite class and people. Life of the Mind combines literary criticism with human connection, and has taught me to be a flexible thinker and push my own understanding of my interests and abilities."
What are you involved in on campus?
-"I am fortunate to be a part of Texas Speech, Texas Alpha Chi Omega, and starting soon as a Dean's Ambassador for Moody College of Communication!"

Where is your favorite place in Austin?
-"As an Austinite, one of my favorite summer spots is Deep Eddy Pool! After a nice swim, I always enjoyed a Hawaiian style burger at Pool Burger."
Where would you love to travel to next?
-"This next summer, I hope to have the opportunity to travel back to Europe and explore the Balkans, especially the Croatian coast!"