Faculty & Staff Spotlight Roselia
Meet Roselia Mendez Murillo
What do you currently do at UT?
- “I'm an Assistant Professor currently teaching a course on the Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication. I'm also continuing my culturally-grounded research and drinking a lot of coffee!”
When did you decide you wanted to work/get a degree in Communication?
- “The communication discipline and I fell in love my second year of my undergraduate studies. We're currently living our "happily ever after".”
What’s one of the most memorable things that happened during your Undergraduate Years?
- “I met my PhD advisor who invited me to form part of her research projects on Latinx immigrant experiences. I also got my first (new-to-me) car during this time :-).”
What’s one of the most memorable things that happened during your Graduate Years?
- “Being awarded a fellowship that allowed to me teach at a teaching institution while conducting research at my home university (UCSB). This experience was eye-opening, enriching, and solidified my career interests. Also, met some of my life-long friends during grad school!”
What was your Master's Thesis/PHD dissertation about?
- “In short, my Master's thesis focused on the supportive, or lack thereof, environment for language brokers (i.e, children who translate for their parents). My dissertation explored Latinx family triads who had experienced immigration-related separation. I further explored the dynamics of communal coping and relational maintenance process of these families while considering the role of cultural norms and structural barriers.”
What is your favorite Austin restaurant or eating place?
- “hmmm I moved here in January, so I haven't explored much, but so far Aba's in SoCO is my top pick.”
If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring?
- “a life jacket, unlimited access to youtube, and a genie that grants me 3 wishes”
What movie genre is your favorite?
- “to be honest, I fall asleep during movies. But if i have to pick-- I'd choose comedy or romcoms.”
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
- “I would have the power to make any cuisine/dish, that I might fancy, appear instantly.”
If you could go back in time, what’s one piece of advice you would give to yourself?
- “Believe in future Roselia!!”
Where would you love to travel to next?
- “Anywhere where I can see the northern lights!!”
What are you proudest of?
- “Being out here in Austin on my own :-)”
What is a fun fact about you that most people here don’t know?
- “I was prom queen and almost had a Lifetime show about it!”