Communication Studies Week
Inaugural Communication Studies Week April 4-7
Free food and prizes…networking events…a video contest…trivia…faculty presentations…alum panels…performances by the forensics teams…all of that and more will be part of the Communication Studies Department’s inaugural Communication Studies Week April 4-7. As department chair Craig Scott explains, “this is an opportunity to highlight the many great opportunities in our department for both current and prospective undergraduate students. We are excited to showcase some of that during this special week.” The week of events is actually four days devoted to different aspects of Communication Studies relevant to the undergraduate community.
For full details, please visit our CMS Week page.
Monday, April 4: Career Day!
The week will begin with a focus on career opportunities for CMS students. We’ll kick things off with free pizza, a guest speaker, and a space where key employers will be available to talk to CMS students. The day will also include a panel for those considering graduate school, two workshops on resume writing and networking, and some recent CMS graduates talking about their experience since graduation. The day wraps up with a networking event organized by the CMS student chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators.
Tuesday, April 5: This is Major (and Minor)!
Tuesday is all about the Communication Studies major, the tracks within that, and various related minors. Ice cream will be provided as students visit with faculty, students, and advisors about the various aspects of the major/minors. To liven things up we’ll also be doing some live trivia about communication and the department (and UT and Austin), with prizes to those with a correct answer. That day we’ll also be announcing winners of the Video Contest for CMS Majors. Details are on our CMS Week page above.
Wednesday, April 6: Research Day!
Research Day will feature a wide range of faculty giving talks and doing workshops on topics such as Precarious Livelihoods in the Global South (Drs. Ganesh and Sowards), Creating Visuals to Study and Share Insights about Communication (Dr. Barbour), Attachment: From Theory to Measurement (Dr. Dailey), and Deception Detection (Dr. McGlone). There will also be a video installation in the CMA lobby on Social Life in Slow Motion (Dr. Streeck). Two of the other highlights of the day will be a panel about undergraduate student research featuring Keri Stephens and two undergraduate students, and a special panel on “Trump’s Final Stand: Understanding the January 6th Rally Speech Rhetorically,” featuring Rod Hart, Josh Gunn, and Sharon Jarvis.
Thursday, April 7: Student Activities!
Our week will wrap up with a showcase of the work by some of our student debate team and our student speech team—both of whom are nationally recognized for their excellence. Between those events we’ll have other information available about our various student organizations (Lambda Pi Eta Honors Society and the International Association of Business Communicators) and programs like UT-New York and UT-Los Angeles. Come grab some popcorn and enjoy the shows!