Barry Brummett Celebrates Retirement With Friends, Family, and KFC
The Communication Studies community helped Barry Brummett celebrate his retirement on Saturday August 13 at the home of Rod and Peggy Hart. Approximately 80 family members, colleagues, and other friends gathered for a County Line Barbecue and Kentucky Fried Chicken dinner amid great conversations.

The formal program began with a welcome from Barry and then comments from several of his children. Department Chair Craig Scott and Moody College Dean Jay Bernhardt also made brief remarks thanking Barry for his service to the department, college, and university—which included 19 years as department chair. Scott then played a video presentation filled with pictures and quotes from Barry, cover slides from his many Honors Day presentations, images of his many books, and messages from former colleagues and advisees.

One of the highlights of the evening was a set of remarks delivered by 7 of Barry’s current faculty colleagues: John Daly, Dawna Ballard, Jurgen Streeck, Josh Gunn, Matt McGlone, Sharon Jarvis, and Rod Hart. In honor of Barry’s 70ish years, each attempted to honor him with 70ish words—which of course was nowhere near enough to capture all that Barry has meant to his colleagues over the past 20+ years at UT Austin. Kevin Johnson, one of Barry’s doctoral advisees, then spoke on behalf of Barry’s many advisees over the years. Barry closed the evening with an emotional set of remarks that drew a standing ovation.

The event was organized by CMS staff. Special thanks to Jennifer Betancourt (and her son), Lisa Mosely, and Saúl Palomo for all their work in making this event happen.
Barry Brummett may be retiring, but his legacy will long persist in various practices in the department, through his many publications and advisees, and in the smiles that come to mind when any of us remember Barry’s time here. Congratulations and best wishes for all that is next, Barry!