2022 ICA Conference
Faculty and Graduate Students Active at ICA Conference
A large group of CMS faculty and graduate students attended the 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association in Paris, France in late May. CMS was represented on over 40 different sessions at the conference. The department also co-sponsored the Moody College Reception at the conference (organized in part by Shiv Ganesh and Cassidy Doucet).
A number of faculty and graduate students received top paper honors at the conference. Shiv Ganesh and Sam James (along with Cynthia Stohl) were on the Top 4 Paper Panel in the Organizational Communication Division for their paper Generational Shifts: The Emergence of Visibility in Globalization Research. Keri Stephens, Kendall Tich, Nancy Carlson, and Cassidy Doucet won a Top Paper Award from ICA’s Environmental Communication Division for their paper Exposure or Experience: Using PRISM to Understand Flood Risk and how People Seek Information. Nik Palomares and program alums John Banas and Steve Rains were among the coauthors on a top paper panel in the Communication and Technology Division for their work When Machine and Bandwagon Heuristics Compete: Understanding Users’ Response to Conflicting AI and Crowdsourced Fact-Checking.

Several faculty had various official roles at the conference as well. Keri Stephens was Chair of the new Mobile Communication Division. Jeffrey Treem became Vice-Chair of the Organizational Communication Division. Mike Butterworth was the organizer of a preconference for the Sports Communication Interest Group. Craig Scott presented the association-wide awards as Chair of ICA’s Research Awards Committee. At that ceremony, Shiv Ganesh and Talia Stroud were honored in person for being selected as ICA Fellows at last year’s conference. Shiv and Talia also made presentations during this year’s conference on two of the Fellows panels.

Prior to ICA, several faculty presented keynote addresses. Keri Stephens spoke about Communication, Technology, Trust and the Future of Crisis Management at ISCRAM 2022 in Tarbes, France. Jeffrey Treem gave the keynote talk at the 7th Global Conference on Transparency Research at Copenhagen Business School in Copenhagen, Denmark. Shiv Ganesh delivered a keynote at the ICA Ethnicity and Race in Communication Division’s preconference on Communicative Dynamics of the Pandemic and Identities at the Margins. His talk was titled Globalization as Crisis: Elite Flight, Border Crossings, and Anomie.