Communication Studies

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Department of Communication Studies

Communication Studies seeks to understand communication and to improve its practice in a variety of relationships. We focus on two person and family communication, communication in small groups and in large organizations, communication across communities, the nature of language and symbols, and the nature of argument and persuasion in political settings and in social movements. We are a department recognized for its world-renowned researchers, top-ranked graduate programs, and award-winning teachers. 


Current CMS Major/Minors


Current + Part-Time Faculty


Year Dept. Founded


ICA Fellows on Faculty

Department News

Department of Communication Studies sign

We’re Hiring

Seeking Asst. Professor of Org Comm and Technology

CMS Graduates


Congrats to ’23-‘24 Graduating Students!

Texas Speech Seniors

National Champions Again

Texas Speech 2024 American Forensic Association National Champions

Brummett Hook Em

Endowed Lecture

Efforts Underway to Raise $30K for Barry Brummett Endowed Lecture

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events scheduled at this time.

If you want to challenge yourself intellectually, personally, professionally...if you want to make an impact on society, you should apply...

Yifan Xu (Graduate Student)

Talia Stroud

Faculty/Staff Spotlight: Talia Stroud

Get to Know People Through This Fun Interview

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Student Spotlight: Firdous Khezrian

Get to Know People Through This Fun Interview

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